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Kelly Battles

HB Cruises Global Sales Manager, Europe and the UK


Phone: 44 (0) 7749 937032

Southampton, SO31 7AP


Kelly joined HelmsBriscoe in February of 2019 as HB Cruises’ Relationship Manager and is based in the United Kingdom. Kelly helps to source a variety of ships as alternative venues to hotels, including cruise ships, private yachts, ferries, and accommodation barges.

Kelly and the HB Cruises team offer the experience and expertise to source the perfect ship and smoothly manage your programs from start to finish. Kelly comes to HB Cruises with more 30 years in the cruise industry and has worked extensively with the MICE and leisure sector in sourcing and planning meetings, incentives, and events on ships.

Request Meeting Assistance from Kelly

If you are in need of site selection assistance for an upcoming meeting or event, please contact me by filling out the form below. I look forward to working with you!

Requester's Information

Organization & Event Information